What causes fingernails to turn up?

Upturned nails, also known as ingrown nails, can be caused by congenital or acquired factors. Congenital factors are mainly related to heredity, while acquired factors include long-term anoxic diseases, fungal infectious diseases and trauma. 1. Innate factors: If the parents themselves have antinail phenomenon, it is very likely to be passed on to the next generation, resulting in the child also appearing antinail phenomenon. 2. Acquired factors: (1) long-term hypoxic disease: due to hypoxia will lead to peripheral circulation of blood is insufficient, causing metabolic disorders, resulting in the emergence of the phenomenon of anti-nail, may be lower oxygen content of the plateau area the incidence of some higher, commonly found in iron-deficiency anemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and so on. (2) Fungal infectious diseases: If the patient’s nail plate is infected by fungus, it may cause onychomycosis, and in severe cases, nail breakage, nail upturning, nail color becoming gray and brittle, etc. (3) Trauma: If the nail area is hit or squeezed by external force, the injury to the nail matrix may lead to upturning of the nails and the formation of anti-nail phenomenon. As the causes are many, it is recommended that the patients who have anti-nail phenomenon go to the regular hospital in time for a clear diagnosis, and standardized treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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