How to diagnose iris segmental atrophy

Iris segmental atrophy is the result of a certain state of high intraocular pressure that impairs blood supply to the iris artery, causing ischemic segmental or fan-shaped atrophy consistent with the shape of the distribution of the iris artery. Iris segmental atrophy is a clinical manifestation of acute congestive glaucoma in remission. How are the symptoms of iris segmental atrophy diagnosed? 1. Patients experience severe eye pain and ipsilateral headache, iris vision, decreased visual acuity, or in severe cases, only an index or light sensation in front of the eyes, often combined with nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and constipation, and also diarrhea. 2. The intraocular pressure is elevated, generally from 6.6 to 10.64kpa (50-80mmHg), individually up to 13.3kpa (100mmHg) or more. The eyeball is hard as a stone by upper finger pressure. Pupil dilatation; mixed congestion; corneal edema; anterior chamber shallowing and atrial angle occlusion; atrial clouding; iris segmental atrophy; glaucomatous spots under the anterior crystal capsule. 3, clinical stage (1) preclinical and aura stage: without any conscious symptoms, but the anterior chamber is very shallow, positive glaucoma excitation test is called preclinical. The small attack before acute attack, each attack has more triggers. There are often symptoms such as iris vision, eye distension, headache and nausea, which can be relieved after sufficient rest or sleep called the aura phase. (2) Acute attack phase: rapid increase in intraocular pressure, mixed congestion, corneal edema like fog, shallow anterior chamber, dilated pupil, atrial angle occlusion, severe headache, eye distension, severe loss of vision or even blindness. (3) remission period: acute angle-closure glaucoma after treatment or natural remission of the ultra-saturated, intraocular pressure can be restored to the normal range of the ultra-saturated. The eye congestion corneal edema subsided health search central vision returned to the level before the attack or slightly reduced health search atrial angle reopened health search. In these patients, the atrial angle remains closed with varying degrees of adhesiveness, and the trabecular meshwork remains heavily pigmented, especially in the lower atrial angle, when a small number of patients have pupillary sphincter paralysis, or iris segmental atrophy perforation to lift the pupillary block. The pupil blocking matsuri, to prevent the re-acute attack of the purpose of the magpie network. (4) Chronic phase: acute attack without proper treatment, moderately elevated intraocular pressure, partial occlusion of the atrial angle, visual field and fundus damage can be seen in the late stage. (5) Absolute stage: persistent high IOP, leading to blindness.

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