How Effective is Acupuncture for Demyelinating Disease

The symptoms of demyelinating lesions can be categorized as “headache”, “impotence” and other diseases in Chinese medicine. Acupuncture treatment has a certain effect, but the specific effect needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition and physical fitness. Acupuncture treatment is generally based on local acupuncture points, with the distal meridians to take points. For example, for numbness and weakness of the lower limbs, acupuncture can be used on the foot, knee eye, sea of blood, Sanyinjiao, Yanglingquan, and zhongxu; for urinary retention and fecal incontinence, acupuncture points such as Zhongji, Guanyuan, Baresha and Xiexi can be chosen. Acupuncture treatment can provide some relief to the clinical symptoms of the disease, but the exact effect varies from person to person. It is recommended that patients who want to undergo acupuncture treatment go to a regular medical institution and have it performed by a professional acupuncturist.

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